Emotional Intelligence: How Leaders Can Use it to Their Advantage
We are all human and can make poor decisions in the heat of the moment. Afterwards, we are often left wondering how managing our emotions could have made a difference in the situation. But for leaders, reacting emotionally can have a negative impact that ripples through the organization. We can all become more effective by understanding emotional intelligence and learning how to strengthen our own emotional intelligence. This skill is particularly important for those in managerial and leadership roles.

Leadership Lessons from Wimbledon
Like a tennis pro hungry for a grand slam, leaders are ambitious, and at times, question their own self-regard.

How do you prepare for an opportunity that requires your best self?
Ever catch yourself thinking, “Why did I just say that?” or “I didn’t handle that discussion as well as I could have.”
We are all human and can make poor decisions in the heat of the moment. Afterwards, we are often left wondering how managing our emotions could have made a difference in the situation. But for leaders, reacting emotionally can have a negative impact that ripples through the organization. We can all become more effective by understanding emotional intelligence and learning how to strengthen our own emotional intelligence. This skill is particularly important for those in managerial and leadership roles.